Satisfactory completion of the probationary period is a prerequisite to continued employment in the Career Service.
Upon initial appointment, a probationary employee shall be informed of the performance expectations for his or her position. The performance of a probationary employee shall be evaluated as specified in Chapter 14.
Service credit toward completion of the probationary period shall be given for the following absences:
The probationary period required by § 223 shall be extended for each workday that an employee is in a non-pay status for any reason.
A probationary employee who receives paid family leave shall have their probationary period extended by the length of the paid family leave pursuant to § 1286.9.
An employee who is transferred, promoted, or reassigned before they complete probation shall be required to complete the remaining portion of his or her probationary period.
Upon the employee's return from active military duty an employee shall be required to complete the remaining portion of his or her probationary period, if he or she entered such military duty before completing probation and did not complete probation through service credit during active military duty, and if he or she has restoration rights in accordance with §§ 228 and 220.
Service completed under a temporary or term Career Service appointment or under a special appointment in the Excepted Service as defined in D.C. Official Code § 1-609.04(2) shall be creditable toward completion of the probationary period if:
No leave granted during a period of advanced notice of termination shall be credited toward completion of the probationary period unless the separation is subsequently reversed.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-C225