P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 627a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 627a. License—Denial, suspension or revocation

The Board, motu proprio or by request of the Association, may dislicense [sic], or deny, revoke, suspend or cancel a license, after notice has been given and a hearing held to that effect, of any person who:

(a) Attempts to obtain a license or benefits as an agronomist by resorting to fraud or deceit;

(b) does not meet the requirements established by this chapter to obtain a license;

(c) is found guilty of illegally practicing the profession by a competent court;

(d) has committed gross negligence or plagiarism or has forged any document on which he/she has affixed his signature or agronomist seal;

(e) has been convicted of a felony or a crime which involves moral turpitude or constitutes a financial offense;

(f) has been found mentally unfit by a competent court or whose disability to practice the profession has been established by a medical expert, and

(g) has violated the Code of Professional Ethics of the Agronomists Association.

The Board and the Association are hereby empowered to approve regulations to establish procedural mechanisms to that effect.

History —Apr. 9, 1941, No. 20, p. 360, added as § 9 on Dec. 13, 2006, No. 265, § 5.