Rule 16.307 - Electronic file stamp(1) Each document electronically filed with the clerk of court receives a file stamp reflecting the date and time that it was initially received by EDMS.(2) Each document electronically filed with the clerk of the supreme court receives a file stamp reflecting the date that it was received by EDMS.(3) The date and time on the file stamp will be consistent with the notice of electronic filing or presentation on the filer's status update. The electronic file stamp becomes a part of the electronic document and is visible when the document is printed or viewed online. Electronic documents are not officially filed unless they have an electronic file stamp. Electronic file stamps have the same force and effect for electronic submissions as nonelectronic file stamps for nonelectronic submissions. See rule 16.201(12) (definition of "file stamp"). Court Order November 21, 2016, temporarily effective 11/21/2016, permanently effective 2/1/2017.