Rule 16.308 - Docket entries(1)Selecting document types. For each electronically filed document, a filer must choose an accurate document type from the options listed on the electronic cover sheet.(2)Correcting document types.a. Clerk of court to correct document types. Once a document is submitted into EDMS, only the clerk of court may make corrections to the document type the filer has chosen.b. Clerk of court to correct docket entries. If a docket entry is incorrect, only a clerk of court can correct the docket entry. The docket will reflect that the clerk made a change to a docket entry.c. Errors that filers discover.(1) If a filer discovers an error in the electronic filing or docketing of a document, the filer must contact the clerk of court as soon as possible. When contacting the clerk, the filer must have available the case number of the document that was filed or docketed erroneously.(2) A filer may not refile or attempt to refile a document that has been erroneously filed or docketed unless the clerk of court specifically directs the filer to do so.(3) To meet a deadline, a filer who discovers an error in the electronic filing or docketing of a document but who cannot immediately contact the clerk of court may resubmit a corrected document.d. Errors that clerks of court discover.(1) If the clerk of court discovers an error in the filing or docketing of a document, the clerk will ordinarily notify the filer of the error and advise the filer of what further action the filer must take, if any, to address the error.(2) The clerk of court may return the submission to the filer with an explanation of the error and instructions to correct the filing. In such instances, it is the responsibility of the filer to keep a record of the notice EDMS generated to verify the date and time of the original submission. The rules of this chapter are not intended to address whether a filer who submits a corrected filing after return of the original submission may have the date and time of the corrected filing relate back to the date and time of the original submission.(3) If the error is minor, the clerk of court may, with or without notifying the parties, either correct or disregard the error.(4) An error in the filing or docketing of a document may be an error that adversely affects the proper processing of the document by EDMS, such as a document that is filed in the wrong case, a document that is filed with the wrong event code, or a document that is scanned incorrectly. It may also be an omission of information necessary to properly identify the parties initiating a new case or the subjects of a warrant, a failure to pay a required filing fee, an error that prevents the correct filing fee from being charged, or the omission of a signature from a filing that must be signed.Court Order November 21, 2016, temporarily effective 11/21/2016, permanently effective 2/1/2017.COMMENT:
Rule 16.308(2). This rule addresses instances when a filer selects an incorrect document type or submits documents that cannot be correctly filed or docketed. The clerk of court may return a submission to the filer for correction when, for example, a document is scanned upside down or sideways, is scanned in such a way that the file stamp cannot be applied, is improperly attached to other documents, or is submitted under the wrong docket entry such that EDMS cannot process the document correctly. It is the filer's responsibility to keep a record of the original submission date and time, as well as the reason for the return of the filing, contained in the Filing Status Reports available through the filer's EDMS account under My Filings.