Iowa R. Elec. P. 16.306
Rule 16.306(1).
A filer must complete the electronic equivalent of a cover sheet when initiating a case or filing or presenting a document or group of documents for electronic filing. The electronic cover sheet is a series of web pages on which the filer enters information. These web pages differ depending on whether the document is related to a criminal or civil case or whether the document is being filed in a new case or an existing case. A properly completed electronic cover sheet will route the document to the correct electronic file and will create a correct docket entry for the document. The electronic cover sheet may also notify the court of a request for expedited relief or ensure that access to a document is properly restricted. An electronic cover sheet for a new civil case replaces the paper civil cover sheet required by Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.301(2). Only parties excused from registration will file the paper form of the civil cover sheet and the confidential information form. [Court Order November 21, 2016, temporarily effective November 21, 2016, permanently effective February 1, 2017]
Iowa. R. Elec. P. 16.306
Rule 16.306(2).
When EDMS receives a district court document, the file stamp records the date and time and generates a status update in the filer's EDMS account. The document is not considered received until the status of "received," "awaiting approval," or "filed" is displayed in the filer's EDMS account. EDMS will generate a status update upon case initiation or a notice of electronic filing or presentation in all other instances that confirms EDMS has received the document. Subject to security and jurisdictional rules, the system also generates a notice of electronic filing or presentation to indexed case parties. When the clerk of court reviews and approves the submission, the system generates a date and time stamp on the document that is the same as the date and time the system noted in the status update-the time EDMS first received the filer's submission in the system. This is the date and time of the official filing of the document with the court system. For example, a filer submits a document to the system at 9:58 p.m. on Thursday, March 30, 2016. Soon after, the status message on the filer's My Filings page will read "Received" and then "Awaiting approval" (for presented documents, the status will be "Filed"). The filer then knows the date and time that the court has received the filing. The following Monday morning the clerk reviews and approves the filing. The system will place a file stamp on the document of 9:58 p.m., March 30,2016. The clerk of court may also return an incorrect submission with instructions to correct the filing. See rule 16.308(2) (fiO(2). In this circumstance, the document is not filed and the date and time of filing that the system tracked are not retained. Upon resubmission of the document, a new date and time of filing are assigned and a new status update and notice of electronic filing or presentation are generated.