19 Miss. Code. R. 8-1.16

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 19-8-1.16 - Fee Schedule
(1) Fees shall be established as follows. Unless otherwise indicated, the fees shall be paid to the Department of Insurance:

(a) Elevator Contractor's License.......................


(b) Elevator Contractor's license renewal (biennial).......................


(c) Limited Elevator Contractor's License.......................


(d) Limited Elevator Contractor's License renewal (biennial).......................


(e) Elevator Mechanics and Limited License (initial & biennial renewal).......................


(f) Six (6) month Temporary Mechanic's License.......................


(g) Elevator Inspectors License (initial) and biennial renewal.......................


(h) Installation and Modernization Permits:

Elevator/Escalator installer will send $100.00 with the application for the installation permit per unit to the Department of Insurance. This will pay for the permit and the first annual operating Certificate to be issued after the unit passes the final inspection.

The final inspection will be billed directly by the inspection company to the elevator/escalator installer as detailed:

Elevators, per unit.......................


Plus, for each floor.......................

$ 15.00

Dumbwaiter and material lifts, per unit.......................


Escalator, or moving walk per unit.......................


Special purpose personnel elevators, per unit.......................


Wheelchair lifts and platform lifts, per unit.......................


Any additional inspection, per visit.......................


(i) Major Alteration Permits:

The elevator/escalator installer will send $100 with the application for the alteration permit per unit to the Department of Insurance, which will pay for the permit and the first operating Certificate issued after the unit passes the final inspection. There will be a $100.00 fee for each additional alteration to the Department of Insurance for the permit. The maximum alteration fee per unit is $500.00.

The final inspection will be billed directly by the inspection company to the elevator/escalator installers.

Each inspection of an alteration as defined by 2013 A17.1, Section 8.7 per unit.......................


Each additional alteration final inspection fee, that requires test witnessing per unit.......................


Maximum alteration fee, per unit.......................


Any additional Alteration inspection, per visit.......................


(j) Annual Operating Permits:

Annual certificate for existing unit paid to the Department of Insurance by the owner/manager per unit.......................

$ 75.00

(k) Annual Inspections on existing units by a licensed inspector to be billed directly by the inspector or inspection company to the building owner/manager:

Elevator, Dumbwaiter, per unit.......................

$85.00, plus $5.00 per floor

Escalator, moving walks, internal and external inspection, per unit.......................


Wheelchair lift, platform lift, per unit total.......................


(l) Variance Application Fees:

Historical Character.......................


New Technology.......................


19 Miss. Code. R. 8-1.16

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 45-45-13 (Rev. 2015); 83-5-1 (Rev. 2011)
Amended 1/10/2015
Amended 7/30/2015
Amended 1/6/2016
Amended 9/2/2017
Amended 6/28/2019