Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XLV-505 - Louisiana Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Quality Rating SystemA. The Louisiana early childhood ancillary certificate quality rating system shall serve as the basis for the renewal of early childhood ancillary certificate program approval. The rating system shall:1. include multiple measures of early childhood ancillary certificate program success;2. result in an annual report and performance profile for each BESE-approved early childhood ancillary certificate program; and3. result in an annual quality rating for each approved early childhood ancillary certificate program. a. The ratings shall be: Quality Rating | Composite Score Range |
Level 1: Ineffective | 1.00 <x< 1.44 |
Level 2: Effective: Emerging | 1.45 <x< 2.44 |
Level 3: Effective | 2.45 <x< 3.44 |
Level 4: Highly Effective | 3.45 <x< 4.00 |
B. The Louisiana early childhood ancillary certificate quality rating system shall include but not be limited to the following domains:1. Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Program Experience. As measured by on-site reviews of each early childhood ancillary certificate program, the on-site review shall be conducted at the early childhood ancillary certificate program level and shall result in one rating. An on-site review shall be conducted every other year for each early childhood ancillary certificate program. When logistically and fiscally feasible and appropriate, the program may request the specific years and semesters during which the on-site review is conducted to provide a comprehensive candidate view. Such requests must be submitted to the LDE no less than one year before the renewal period begins. a. On-site reviews may be conducted by the LDE or by a BESE-approved contractor with demonstrated expertise in early childhood teacher preparation. The evaluation tools used to conduct on-site reviews shall align to the requirements set forth in this bulletin and provide for a holistic rating between 1 and 4.b. The LDE will maintain and publish a rubric for on-site reviews.2. Building Workforce Capacity. The capacity shall be measured by the progress toward attainment of the early childhood ancillary certificate by program candidates:a. Program candidates shall include candidates who teach in Type III child care centers and family child care home providers with academic approval, enroll in the early childhood ancillary certificate program, and receive a scholarship through Louisiana Pathways to attend the BESE-approved program.b. Progress toward attainment of the early childhood ancillary certificate will be measured by program candidates' attainment of credentialing milestones, including satisfactory academic progress, attainment of the CDA, and LDOE-issued certification. 3. Early Childhood Teacher Quality. Quality shall be measured by program candidates' CLASS® scores. a. The CLASS scores collected for the program completer in the observation period directly following program completion will be used for the performance profile year in which the observation occurs.b. Program completers shall include candidates who teach in Type III child care centers, enroll in the early childhood ancillary certificate program, receive a scholarship through Louisiana Pathways to attend the BESE-approved program, and complete coursework to graduate from the program;c. CLASS scores will be calculated using the local CLASS observations after any domain-level replacement by observations conducted the LDE third party contractor, as defined in Part CLXVII, Bulletin 140a}-Louisiana Early Childhood Care and Education Network.La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XLV-505
Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 37:562 (February 2011), Repealed LR 432491 (12/1/2017), Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 481089 (4/1/2022), Amended LR 50676 (5/1/2024).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:7(6) and R.S. 17:7.2.