La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XLV-507

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XLV-507 - Quality Rating Calculation
A. The quality rating for an early childhood ancillary certificate program shall be calculated by weighting each domain.
1. Early childhood ancillary certificate program experience shall be weighted at 50 percent;
2. Building workforce capacity shall be weighted at 25 percent; and
3. Early childhood teacher quality shall be weighted at 25 percent.
B. The quality rating corresponds to the composite score range listed below.

Quality Rating

Composite Score Range

Level 1: Ineffective

1.00 <x< 1.44

Level 2: Effective: Emerging

1.45 <x< 2.44

Level 3: Effective

2.45 <x< 3.44

Level 4: Highly Effective

3.45 <x< 4.00

C. The early childhood ancillary certificate program experience score shall be determined by the last available on-site review rating. All numbers used in the on-site review calculation process shall be rounded to the nearest tenth, unless otherwise specified.

ECAC Program Experience Rating

Score Range

Level 1: Ineffective


Level 2: Effective: Emerging


Level 3: Effective


Level 4: Highly Effective


D. The building workforce capacity score shall be determined by the calculation of an index score, to be calculated as follows.
1. The number of candidates in each category below will be multiplied by the corresponding index points

Candidate Complete

Index Points

Starts program but does not complete any course intervals within a year of cohort completion


Completes only the initial course interval within a year of cohort completion


Completes all coursework but does not obtain a CDA within a year of cohort completion


Completes coursework and obtains a CDA but does not obtain the ECAC within a year of cohort completion


Obtains the ECAC within a year of cohort completion


2. The totals for each category in Paragraph 1 of this Subsection will be added together.
3. The sum of the totals for each category will be divided by the total number of program participants who began the cohort, yielding an index score between 0 and 100.
4. Using the index score, a building workforce capacity score between one and four will be assigned based upon the following ranges.

Building Workforce Capacity

Score Range

Level 1: Ineffective


Level 2: Effective: Emerging


Level 3: Effective: Proficient


Level 4: Highly Effective


5. The building workforce capacity score will be calculated a year after cohort completion and updated annually as a lagging indicator.
E. Early childhood teacher quality will be determined by the calculation of an index score based on CLASS observations conducted in accordance with Bulletin 140 §503 in the observation period immediately following the candidate completion of the program.
1. The number of candidates with a CLASS score in each category below will be multiplied by the corresponding index points.

Candidate CLASS Scores

Index Points

Level 1: Ineffective (below 1.00-2.99)


Level 2: Effective: Emerging (3.00 to 4.49)


Level 3: Effective: Proficient (4.50 to 5.99)


Level 4: Highly Effective (6.00 to 7.00)


2. The totals for each category in Paragraph 1 of this Subsection will be added together.
3. The sum of the totals for each category will be divided by the total number of program completers who have an observation in the semester following candidate graduation, yielding an index score between 0 and 100.
4. Using the index score, an early childhood teacher quality score between a range of one and four will be assigned.

Early Childhood Teacher Quality Score

Score Range

Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Level 4


F. The LDOE shall analyze results from the 2024-2026 learning cycle and may recommend additional policy for BESE consideration for 2026-2027 and beyond.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XLV-507

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 37:563 (February 2011), Repealed LR 432491 (12/1/2017), Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 481090 (4/1/2022), Amended LR 50677 (5/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:7(6) and R.S. 17:7.2.