La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XLV-503

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XLV-503 - Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Quality Rating System Participation and Performance Profile Implementation Timeline
A. For early childhood ancillary certificate programs that obtain BESE approval prior to September 1, 2023.
1. The 2021-2022 academic year will be an initial pilot phase for the early childhood ancillary certificate program quality rating system. The 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years will be an extended pilot phase for the early childhood ancillary certificate program quality rating system. BESE-approved early childhood ancillary certificate programs will be given the opportunity to participate in a pilot on-site review using the rubric maintained by the LDOE. If produced, individual early childhood ancillary certificate program performance profiles will not be published.
2. The 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 academic years will be a learning phase. There will be no consequences for early childhood ancillary certificate programs as a result of performance profiles or quality ratings during the learning phase. Performance profiles for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 learning phase will be publicly available in fall 2027 and will clearly indicate that the performance profile is informational and assigned during a learning phase.
3. The 2026-2027 academic reporting year will be the first year of the initial two-year renewal cycle.
B. - B.2. Repealed.
C. For early childhood ancillary certificate programs that obtain BESE approval after September 1, 2026, the two-year renewal cycle will begin on September 1 of the year directly following BESE approval.
D. Beginning with the 2023-2024 academic year, any early childhood ancillary certificate program that obtains BESE approval prior to September 1 of that academic year must participate in the early childhood ancillary certificate program quality rating system during that academic year. BESE approval shall be terminated for any program that does not participate in the quality rating system or any component thereof.
E. Beginning with the fall semester of 2027, the LDOE will annually produce and make publicly available on the LDOE website a performance profile and quality rating for each BESE-approved early childhood ancillary certificate program. The quality rating will not be used to make judgments about renewal of early childhood ancillary certificate program approval until the spring semester of 2027.
F. Beginning with ratings assigned in the fall semester of 2027, Louisiana early childhood ancillary certificate quality rating system results will serve as the basis for early childhood ancillary certificate program renewal. The renewal cycle will be two years.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XLV-503

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 37:562 (February 2011), Repealed LR 432491 (12/1/2017), Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 481088 (4/1/2022), Amended LR 50676 (5/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:7(6) and R.S. 17:7.2.