Section 455 IAC 1-11-4 - Location of noticeAuthority: IC 12-9.1-2-3; IC 12-10-15-14
Affected: IC 12-10-15
Sec. 4.
(a) Each area agency on aging shall post a notice or notices in areas accessible to consumers, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Corporate waiting rooms.(b) Each center for independent living shall post a notice or notices in each building, wing, floor, or common area that is open and available to residents and family members at any time.(c) Each establishment shall post a notice or notices in each building, wing, floor, or common area that is open and available to residents and family members at any time.Division of Aging; 455 IAC 1-11-4; filed May 9, 2005, 1:50 p.m.: 28 IR 2688; readopted filed Aug 25, 2011, 1:40 p.m.: 20110921-IR-455110403RFA; readopted filed Nov 15, 2013, 3:22 p.m.: 20131211-IR-455130453RFAReadopted filed 11/13/2019, 11:55 a.m.: 20191211-IR-455190488RFA Transferred from the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services ( 460 IAC 1-11-4) to the Division of Aging ( 455 IAC 1-11-4) by P.L. 153-2011, SECTION 21, effective July 1, 2011.