Rule 455 IAC 1-11 - Posting of Notices
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-1 - Definitions
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-2 - Requirement to post notice
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-3 - Rights to be included in notice
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-4 - Location of notice
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-5 - Format of notice
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-6 - Filing of complaints by residents; investigation; resolution
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-7 - Response by establishment to a complaint
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-8 - Imposition of penalty
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-9 - Administrative review
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-10 - Substantial and repeated violations
- Section 455 IAC 1-11-11 - Intentional violations