Current through December 21, 2024
Section 5 AAC 64.030 - Methods, means, and general provisions - Finfish(a) Unless provided otherwise in 5 AAC 64.022 or by emergency order issued under AS 16.05.060, the provisions of this section apply to finfish sport fishing in the Kodiak Area.(b) Unless provided otherwise in this section or in 5 AAC 75, finfish may only be taken by hook-and-line gear.(d) In the waters of Uyak Bay inside a line from Cape Kuliuk to Rocky Point, a sport fish guide or a guide's client may not engage in sport fishing from a vessel that is attached in any way to commercial fishing set gillnet gear, including a set gillnet anchor line, when a set gillnet is actively fishing. A sport fishing guide or a guide's client may not cast, drift, or troll with sport fishing gear across commercial fishing set gillnet gear, including a set gillnet anchor line when a set gillnet is actively fishing.(e) In the Dog Salmon River drainage, including Frazer Lake, the use of bait is prohibited from January 1 - July 25.Eff. 3/13/96, Register 137; am 4/2/99, Register 149; am 3/13/2004, Register 169; am 4/9/2005, Register 174; am 6/5/2020, Register 234, July 2020