Chapter 64 - Kodiak Area
- Section 5 AAC 64.001 - Application of this chapter
- Section 5 AAC 64.005 - Description of the Kodiak Area
- Section 5 AAC 64.010 - Code key for open fishing seasons (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 64.014 - Criteria for special management areas for Dolly Varden
- Section 5 AAC 64.020 - Code key for bag limits, possession limits, and size limits (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 64.022 - Waters; seasons; bag, possession, annual, and size limits; and special provisions for the Kodiak Area
- Section 5 AAC 64.024 - Harvest record required; annual limits (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 64.025 - Harvest record required; annual limits (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 64.030 - Methods, means, and general provisions - Finfish
- Section 5 AAC 64.035 - Methods, means, and general provisions - Shellfish
- Section 5 AAC 64.050 - Waters closed to sport fishing (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 64.051 - Waters closed to sport fishing in the Kodiak Area
- Section 5 AAC 64.060 - Kodiak Area Salt Water King Salmon Sport Fishery Management Plan
- Section 5 AAC 64.070 - Kodiak Area Rockfish Management Plan
- Section 5 AAC 64.095 - Application of regulations