W. Va. Code § 38-4-23
The property appraised under the provisions of the preceding section shall be sold by the officer in separate items, or in parcels, or as a whole, whichever method will secure the highest price therefor. The property so appraised shall be first offered for sale for cash, and, if the highest aggregate bids therefor amount to two thirds or more of its appraised value, the sale thereof shall be for cash; but if no bid be made therefor aggregating two thirds of its appraised value, the same shall then be offered for sale, one half on a credit of four months and the residue on a credit of eight months, the purchaser giving his note with good security bearing interest from date. If when so offered on a credit a greater aggregate sum be bid therefor than was offered in cash, the sale shall be made upon credit as aforesaid, otherwise the cash bid shall be accepted.
W. Va. Code § 38-4-23