Article 4 - EXECUTIONS
- Section 38-4-1 - Executions against corporations
- Section 38-4-2 - Executions on joint judgments
- Section 38-4-3 - Execution for benefit of person other than plaintiff
- Section 38-4-4 - Writs of possession and fieri facias on judgments for specific property
- Section 38-4-5 - Execution or fieri facias on money judgment
- Section 38-4-6 - On what fieri facias may be levied
- Section 38-4-7 - How currency or bank notes shall be accounted for
- Section 38-4-8 - Commencement and duration of lien of fieri facias
- Section 38-4-9 - Purchaser for value and without notice before levy takes free of lien; payment or delivery to debtor without notice is without liability
- Section 38-4-10 - Docketing as constructive notice
- Section 38-4-11 - Docketing of execution
- Section 38-4-12 - Exemption from execution
- Section 38-4-13 - Indorsement of time of receipt by officer; penalty for failure to indorse
- Section 38-4-14 - Order of levy and satisfaction of several writs
- Section 38-4-15 - Rules concerning distress or levy
- Section 38-4-16 - Officer's return upon fieri facias
- Section 38-4-17 - Resale upon default of purchaser
- Section 38-4-18 - Writ of venditioni exponas; notice of sale
- Section 38-4-19 - Proceeding in case of death of officer before sale
- Section 38-4-20 - Time and place for sale of personal property under distraint, levy or order of court; posting or publishing notice; conduct and terms of sale
- Section 38-4-21 - Adjournment of sale
- Section 38-4-22 - Appraisal before sale
- Section 38-4-23 - Method and terms of sale of appraised property
- Section 38-4-24 - Payments on purchase money notes
- Section 38-4-25 - Judgment on defaulted purchase money notes
- Section 38-4-26 - Form of judgment on notes
- Section 38-4-27 - Disposition of surplus received by officer; disposition of money not paid over when execution stayed
- Section 38-4-28 - Liability of officer for money received under execution payable to nonresident of county
- Section 38-4-29 - Successive executions
- Section 38-4-30 - New execution when property sold is recovered from obligor on indemnifying bond or purchaser
- Section 38-4-31 - Motion to quash execution
- Section 38-4-32 - Limitation on motion for failure to return execution