(a)Composition.--The Hardwoods Development Council is established within the department. The council shall include the following 29 members:(1) Seven members:(i) The Secretary of Agriculture.(ii) The Secretary of Community and Economic Development.(iii) The Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources.(v) The Secretary of Transportation.(vi) The Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Rural Development Council.(vii) The Secretary of Education.(2) Four legislative members: (i) Two senators, one appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate.(ii) Two representatives, one appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.(3) Eighteen public members appointed by the Governor: (i) One representative of an agricultural college from a State-related university.(ii) One representative of the Forest Service of the Federal Department of Agriculture.(iii) One representative of furniture or cabinet manufacturers.(iv) One representative of veneer manufacturers.(v) Two representatives of secondary processors.(vi) Three representatives of nonprofit corporations which have the purpose to promote and enhance the hardwood industry in this Commonwealth, of which one nonprofit corporation shall be the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group.(vii) One representative of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.(viii) One representative of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association.(ix) One representative of the Pennsylvania Forest Products Association.(x) One representative of pulp and paper manufacturers.(xi) One representative of the saw mill operators.(xii) One representative of maple producers.(xiii) One representative of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.(xv) One private sector forester.(b)Term of office.--(1) Members under subsection (a)(1) shall serve as long as they are in office.(2) Legislative members under subsection (a)(2) shall serve terms of two years.(3) Public members under subsection (a)(3) shall serve the following terms:(i) Public members under subsection (a)(3)(vi) through (ix), (xii) and (xiii) shall serve terms of two years.(ii) Public members under subsection (a)(3)(iii) through (v), (x), (xi), (xiv) and (xv) shall serve terms of three years.(iii) Public members under subsection (a)(3)(i) and (ii) shall serve terms of four years.(c)Designees.--Members under subsection (a)(1) and legislative members under subsection (a)(2) may appoint designees to serve on the council.(d)Vacancies.--Vacancies in office shall be filled by the appointing authority who made the original appointment.(e)Officers.--The Secretary of Agriculture or his designee shall serve as the chairperson, and the council shall elect other officers as it deems necessary.(f)Meetings.--The council shall meet quarterly and shall hold special meetings at the call of the chairperson. A simple majority shall constitute a quorum.(g)Compensation.--Members of the council shall serve without compensation.Amended by P.L.452021 No. 14, § 1, eff. 5/20/2021.1988, Oct. 21, P.L. 1036, No. 116, § 4, imd. effective. Amended 1996, Nov. 27, P.L. 799, No. 137, § 1, effective in 60 days.