Section 58:10B-24.7 - Provision of notice to parent, guardian, staffa. Within 10 business days after the discovery of soil contamination on school property that has been found by the Department of Environmental Protection or a licensed site remediation professional to exceed the direct contact soil remediation standards for residential use adopted by the department pursuant to section 35 of P.L. 1993, c.139 (C.58:10B-12), the local school board, the board of trustees of a charter school, or the principal or chief administrator of a private school, as appropriate, shall provide to each parent or guardian of a student enrolled at the school, and staff member of the school, notice of the soil contamination that includes: (1) a description of the soil contamination and the conditions under which a student or staff member may be exposed to the contamination;(2) a description and timetable of the steps that have been taken and will be taken to ensure that there is no contact by any student or staff member with the soil contamination; and(3) a description and timetable of the steps that have been taken and will be taken to remediate the soil contamination.b. The local school board, the board of trustees of a charter school, or the principal or chief administrator of a private school, as appropriate, may provide the notice required by subsection a. of this section by: (1) written notice sent home with the student and provided to the staff member;c. The local school board, the board of trustees of a charter school, or the principal or chief administrator of a private school, as appropriate, shall post a copy of the notice required pursuant to subsection a. of this section in a conspicuous location near the site of the soil contamination to notify any other users of the school grounds of the existence of the contamination.Added by L. 2009, c. 175,s. 2, eff. 7/10/2010.