- Section 58:10B-1 - Definitions
- Section 58:10B-1.1 - Short title
- Section 58:10B-1.2 - Findings, declarations relative to remediation of contaminated sites
- Section 58:10B-1.3 - Remediation of discharge of hazardous substance; requirements
- Section 58:10B-2 - Rules, regulations, deviations from regulations
- Section 58:10B-2.1 - Departmental oversight of cleanup, remediation; fee, costs, certain, permitted
- Section 58:10B-3 - Establishment, maintenance of remediation funding source
- Section 58:10B-3.1 - Authority to perform remediation of condemned property by local government unit, certain conditions
- Section 58:10B-3.2 - Annual charge for prompt remediation of certain industrial properties; inapplicability
- Section 58:10B-4 - Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund
- Section 58:10B-4.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 58:10B-5 - Financial assistance from remediation fund
- Section 58:10B-6 - Financial assistance and grants from the fund; allocations; purposes
- Section 58:10B-6.1 - Grants, Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund; certain brownfield sites
- Section 58:10B-6.2 - Time limit for expending of grant awarded
- Section 58:10B-7 - Awarding of financial assistance, grants, priorities
- Section 58:10B-8 - Financial assistance, grant recipients' compliance, conditions
- Section 58:10B-8.1 - Conditions for payment of grant from Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund
- Section 58:10B-9 - Violators of environmental law may not receive financial assistance, grant
- Section 58:10B-10 - Legal responsibility of applicant for compliance
- Section 58:10B-11 - Remediation funding source surcharge
- Section 58:10B-12 - Adoption of remedial standards
- Section 58:10B-12.1 - Green and sustainable practices encouraged
- Section 58:10B-13 - Use of nonresidential standards or other controls, requirements
- Section 58:10B-13.1 - No further action letter; covenant not to sue
- Section 58:10B-13.2 - Covenant not to sue, provisions
- Section 58:10B-14 - Development of guidance document
- Section 58:10B-15 - Responsibility for prior discharges, exemptions; penalties
- Section 58:10B-16 - Access to property to conduct remediation
- Section 58:10B-17 - Review of department decision concerning remediation
- Section 58:10B-17.1 - Commencement of civil actions under environmental laws, limitations; definitions
- Section 58:10B-18 - Preparation, distribution of informational materials
- Section 58:10B-19 - Implementation of interim response action
- Section 58:10B-20 - Remediation Guarantee Fund
- Section 58:10B-21 - Investigation, determination of extent of contamination of aquifers
- Section 58:10B-22 - Investigation, mapping of historic fill areas
- Section 58:10B-23 - "Brownfield's Redevelopment Task Force"; duties
- Section 58:10B-23.1 - Findings, declarations relative to redevelopment of brownfield sites
- Section 58:10B-23.2 - Preparation of inventory of brownfield sites; definitions
- Section 58:10B-24 - Duties of Department of Environmental Protection
- Section 58:10B-24.1 - Written notification of contaminated site remediation
- Section 58:10B-24.2 - Copies of documents, reports, data to municipality, county
- Section 58:10B-24.3 - Notification to public of remediation of contaminated site, response to inquiries; requirements
- Section 58:10B-24.4 - Definitions relative to remediation of contaminated sites
- Section 58:10B-24.5 - Notification of master list of known hazardous discharge sites; DEP website
- Section 58:10B-24.6 - Definitions relative to procedures concerning soil contamination on school property
- Section 58:10B-24.7 - Provision of notice to parent, guardian, staff
- Section 58:10B-25 - Designation of State environmental agency under federal law
- Section 58:10B-25.1 - Guidelines for designation of brownfield development areas
- Section 58:10B-25.2 - Grant expenditures for remedial action constitutes debt of property owner to fund; lien
- Section 58:10B-25.3 - Pilot program for awarding grants to nonprofit organizations; conditions
- Section 58:10B-26 - Definitions relative to redevelopment agreements
- Section 58:10B-27 - Terms and conditions of agreements
- Section 58:10B-27.1 - State may enter into certain redevelopment agreements at certain landfill sites
- Section 58:10B-27.2 - Entry of State into redevelopment agreement, certain circumstances
- Section 58:10B-28 - Eligibility for reimbursement; certification
- Section 58:10B-29 - Qualifications for certification of reimbursement for remediation costs; oversight document
- Section 58:10B-30 - Brownfield Site Reimbursement Fund
- Section 58:10B-31 - Reimbursement of remediation costs