N.J. Stat. § 58:10B-24.4
For the purposes of P.L. 2006, c. 65(C.58:10B-24.1 et seq.):
"Local health agency" means a "local health agency" as defined in section 3 of P.L. 1966, c.36 (C.26:2F-3).
"Oversight document" means any document the Department of Environmental Protection or a court issues to define the role of a person participating in the remediation of a contaminated site or is of concern, and may include, without limitation, an administrative order, administrative consent order, court order, memorandum of understanding, memorandum of agreement, or remediation agreement.
"Person who is responsible for conducting a remediation" means any person who executes or is otherwise subject to an oversight document.
"Site health and safety plan" means a plan designed to protect the health and safety of persons working on a contaminated site and required pursuant to the rules and regulations establishing the technical requirements for site remediation adopted pursuant to P.L. 1993, c.139 (C.58:10B-1 et seq.).
N.J.S. § 58:10B-24.4