N.J. Stat. § 58:10B-17.1
"State's environmental laws" means the "Spill Compensation and Control Act," P.L. 1976, c.141 (C.58:10-23.11 et seq.), the "Water Pollution Control Act," P.L. 1977, c.74 (C.58:10A-1 et seq.), P.L. 1986, c.102 (C.58:10A-21 et seq.), the "Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act," P.L. 1997, c. 278(C.58:10B-1.1 et al.), the "Industrial Site Recovery Act," P.L. 1983, c.330 (C.13:1K-6 et al.), the "Solid Waste Management Act," P.L. 1970, c.39 (C.13:1E-1 et seq.), the "Comprehensive Regulated Medical Waste Management Act," P.L. 1989, c.34 (C.13:1E-48.1 et seq.), the "Major Hazardous Waste Facilities Siting Act," P.L. 1981, c.279 (C.13:1E-49 et seq.), the "Sanitary Landfill Facility Closure and Contingency Fund Act," P.L. 1981, c.306 (C.13:1E-100 et seq.), the "Regional Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Siting Act," P.L. 1987, c.333 (C.13:1E-177 et seq.), or any other law or regulation by which the State may compel a person to perform remediation activities on contaminated property; and
"State" means the State, its political subdivisions, any office, department, division, bureau, board, commission or agency of the State or one of its political subdivisions, and any public authority or public agency, including, but not limited to, the New Jersey Transit Corporation.
N.J.S. § 58:10B-17.1