Section 48:5A-57 - Provision of personally identifiable information to othersa. No cable television company shall rent, sell or otherwise release personally identifiable information, in part or whole, without the prior written or electronic consent of the subscriber, to any person except to a person providing qualified auxiliary services to the company, or pursuant to law.b. A cable television company may disclose the names and addresses of subscribers to any of its services if: (1) The company has provided each subscriber with the opportunity to prohibit the disclosure of his name and address; and(2) The disclosure does not reveal the nature or extent of the use of any cable television service or other service by any subscriber, subscriber household or user of a subscriber terminal.c. No person shall be refused any cable television service for prohibiting the inclusion of his name and address on a mailing list provided to a third party.d. Use of personally identifiable information by those receiving the information from a cable television company pursuant to the provisions of this act is limited to the purposes for which the disclosure is made. At the time that personally identifiable information is no longer required for such purposes, it shall be destroyed. Information acquired pursuant to the consent of a subscriber shall be destroyed immediately upon receipt of notice from the cable television company that the subscriber consent has been withdrawn or that the contract between the subscriber and the cable television company has been terminated, except that the information may be retained until the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was received, if such retention is permitted by the subscriber consent granted pursuant to subsection f. of section 3 of this act.e. Concurrent with, or prior to, the provision of personally identifiable information to others pursuant to the provisions of this act, a cable television company shall give notice to the person or entity receiving the information of the provisions of this act. If personally identifiable information is provided on a continuing basis, notice shall be provided at the time of or prior to the provision of the first of such information and once per year thereafter.f. A third party which has received personally identifiable information pursuant to section 3 or 4 of this act shall not retain that information if no longer needed for the purposes for which it was acquired, nor shall the party rent, sell or otherwise release that information to any other person, except as provided by law.