Section 48:5A-56 - Personally identifiable informationa. A cable television company may, without the subscriber consent required pursuant to subsection d. of this section or section 4 of this act, collect, receive, store, aggregate and use only such personally identifiable information relating to any subscriber, subscriber household, or user of a subscriber terminal as is necessary to provide cable television services and qualified auxiliary services, and to detect unauthorized reception of cable television services.b. Any actual and, if known, potential use to be made of the information collected, received, stored or aggregated pursuant to subsection a. of this section shall be described in a written notification of information practices provided by the cable television company to the subscriber. In the case of a subscriber contract entered into on or prior to the effective date of this act, the notification shall be provided not later than 180 days following that date and at least once per year thereafter during the contract period. In the case of a contract entered into after the effective date of this act, the notification shall be provided at the time the contract is entered into and at least once per year thereafter during the contract period. The notification shall clearly and conspicuously set forth:(1) The nature of the personally identifiable information collected or to be collected, and the nature of the use of that information;(2) The nature, frequency and purpose of any disclosure of the information which may be reasonably anticipated, including a description of the types of persons to whom disclosure may be made;(3) The period during which the information will be retained by the cable television company;(4) The times and places at which the subscriber shall have access to the information pursuant to this act; and(5) The limitations set forth in this act with respect to the collection and disclosure of personally identifiable information. The cable television company shall not use personally identifiable information in a manner other than that described in the notification without further written notice to the subscriber and, where appropriate, the consent of the subscriber.
c. If information is collected by a cable television company from any subscriber pursuant to subsection a. of this section, after the date on which a notification is required and without that notification, the cable television company shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500.00 for each subscriber from whom the information is so collected, which fine shall be collected in a summary manner pursuant to "the penalty enforcement law" (N.J.S. 2A:58-1 et seq.), except that no company shall be subject to a fine if the company proves that its failure to provide notification is the result of a clerical or typographical error.d. Except as provided in subsection a. of this section, no cable television company shall use a cable television system to collect personally identifiable information concerning a subscriber, subscriber household or user of a subscriber terminal without the prior written or electronic consent of the subscriber concerned. Any information collected without that consent shall be destroyed immediately upon determination by the cable television company that it has been so collected, or upon notification to the company of such determination by the subscriber, as the case may be, unless the subscriber consents, in writing, to its retention. Except as otherwise provided by law, personally identifiable information collected pursuant to this subsection shall only be used for the purposes defined in the subscriber consent. If information is collected or retained by a cable television company in violation of this subsection, that company shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500.00 for each subscriber from whom the information is so collected, which fine shall be collected in a summary manner pursuant to "the penalty enforcement law" (N.J.S. 2A:58-1 et seq.).
e. A subscriber may withdraw his consent at any time. This withdrawal shall take effect 30 days following a cable television company's receipt of notification by the subscriber. Within 45 days of receipt of that request, the company shall advise, in writing, any third party recipient of personally identifiable information collected pursuant to subsection d. of this section that the subscriber's consent has been withdrawn.f. Personally identifiable information acquired pursuant to subsection a. of this section shall be destroyed by the cable television company upon completion of the permissible uses of that information. Personally identifiable information acquired pursuant to subsection d. of this section shall be destroyed upon completion of such uses, or upon the withdrawal of subscriber consent or termination of the contract with a subscriber, whichever comes first, unless the subscriber, at the time of granting consent to collect or retain the information indicates, electronically or in writing, as appropriate, that the information may be retained until completion of the permissible uses thereof. A cable television company shall notify a subscriber, in writing, when any personally identifiable information concerning the subscriber, his household or a user of his subscriber terminal is destroyed pursuant to this subsection.