Minn. Stat. § 80D.20
The residents of a facility may form a residents' association to deal with common interests related to their residency. The association may be organized in any way so long as each resident is given an equal opportunity to participate and an equal vote in the association's decisions including those delegating authority to the association's officers, board, and committees, if any.
Upon notification to it of the existence of a residents' association, the provider must present its annual budget to the association for comment before its adoption. The budget must be in sufficient detail to be meaningful, but must be readable by, and understandable to, a person of average intelligence and education. The budget must reflect the projected collection and disbursement of receipts of any kind, for any purpose by the provider, or any person related in business to the provider, attributable to residents of the facility, including interest income, and trust assets, during the budget year.
Throughout the budget year, the provider must give the association timely monthly statements of current income and expense showing year-to-date relationship to the annual budget, and explanations for a deviation from the budget. The association or its representative may comment on, or raise questions about, the monthly statements, to the provider.
The penalty provisions of section 80D.16 shall apply to provider actions in Laws 1984, chapter 641, sections 2 and 3.
Minn. Stat. § 80D.20
1984 c 641 s 8