Minn. Stat. § 80D.19
A provider shall prepare and distribute an annual financial statement to the residents of a facility. The statement shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be distributed within four months of the end of the provider's fiscal year. The statement must reflect all of the income and expense attributable to the facility for the fiscal year covered. The statement must account for all receipts and disbursements from whatever source derived, to whatever source paid, arising from the operation of the facility.
All entrance and maintenance fees, actual interest received and paid, and loan proceeds received, and interest and principal paid thereon, must be accounted for whether or not included in separate accounts because of trust, escrow, or other requirements. Items of income and expense to be allocated between a facility and another accounting entity must be allocated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The allocation must be noted in the statement. The statement must be in sufficient detail to be meaningful but must be easily readable by, and understandable to, a person of average intelligence and education. The statement must include comparable data for the fewer of: each of the last five years; or for each year since the first receipts or disbursements, arising out of the facility project. If comparable data does not exist and cannot be created for a past year, the variation must be noted and explained in the statement.
Minn. Stat. § 80D.19
1984 c 641 s 7