It shall be unlawful to manufacture in a home, for an employer, subcontractor, or representative contractor, any of the following articles or to perform in a home, for such persons, any of the following work, and no permit issued under §§ 371—392 of this title shall be deemed to authorize such manufacture or the performance of any such work.
(a) Articles of food or drink.
(b) Articles intended for use in connection with the serving of foods or drinks.
(c) Sanitary goods, cigar holders, cigarette cases, pipes for smoking, or other articles for the use of smokers; tobacco handling or stripping.
(d) Powder puffs, cosmetics, or articles intended to be used for the application of cosmetics.
(e) Explosives, fireworks, or articles of like character shall not be manufactured in a home, for an employer, a representative contractor, or a subcontractor.
(f) Drugs and poisons.
(g) Tobacco, cigarettes, or cigars.
(h) The tearing or sewing of rags; Provided, That the work with “rags” shall not be deemed to apply to new remnants, clippings, or salvages which are the by-products of manufacturing processes.
(i) Articles the processing of which requires exposure to substances determined by the Department to be hazardous to the health or safety or persons exposed thereto.
History —May 15, 1939, No. 163, p. 812, § 4, eff. 90 days after May 15, 1939.