Chapter 17. Industrial Home-Based Work
- § 371. Industrial home-based work regulated—Short title
- § 372. Industrial home-based work—Legislative purpose
- § 373. Industrial home-based work regulated—Definitions
- § 374. Industrial home-based work regulated—Forms of home-based work prohibited
- § 375. Industrial home-based work regulated—Inspections by Department; correction of deficiencies
- § 376. Industrial home-based work regulated—Orders of Department; hearing, effective date, review
- § 377. Industrial home-based work regulated—Permit for employer; revocation; penalties
- § 378. Industrial home-based work—Permit for subcontractors; penalties
- § 379. Industrial home-based work—Fees for employer’s permit
- § 380. Industrial home-based work regulated—Register of work
- § 381. Industrial home-based work regulated—Conditions for manufacture in homes
- § 382. Industrial home-based work regulated—Labels for articles manufactured by home-based worker
- § 383. Industrial home-based work regulated—Seizure of articles unlawfully manufactured
- § 384. Industrial home-based work regulated—Delivery to subcontractors
- § 385. Industrial home-based work regulated—Revocation of permit for violations; review; publication
- § 386. Industrial home-based work regulated—Inspection of premises and records; enforcement
- § 387. Industrial home-based work regulated—Contributions by home-based workers
- § 388. Industrial home-based work regulated—Records of Department subject to inspection
- § 389. Industrial home-based work regulated—Witness fees
- § 390. Industrial home-based work regulated—Penalties
- § 391. Industrial home-based work regulated—Regulations; enforcement by Department
- § 392. Industrial home-based work regulated—Payments covered into general funds
- § 393. Sanitary requirements—Homes used for workers
- § 394. Sanitary requirements—Land to be clean and drained
- § 395. Sanitary requirements—Enforcement
- § 396. Sanitary requirements—Access to premises by government officials
- § 397. Sanitary requirements—Penalties
- § 398. Stripping tobacco—Declaration of harmfulness
- § 399. Stripping tobacco—Home stripping of tobacco prohibited
- § 400. Stripping tobacco—Penalties
- § 401. Stripping tobacco—Places for stripping tobacco; regulations
- § 402. Stripping tobacco—Enforcement