Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 150F § 5

Current through Chapter 373 of the 2024 Legislative Session, with the exception of Acts not available as of 1/14/2025
Section 150F:5 - Representatives
A. After receiving the information identified in Section 2(A) from each TNC at the conclusion of each calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31), the board shall provide each TNC with the names of the active TNDs who have driven for that TNC, and each TNC shall have 30 days to submit to the board, in an electronic format to be determined by the board, the phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses for each active TND. These records shall not be subject to disclosure pursuant to Chapter 66 of the General Laws.
B. Bargaining unit. For purposes of this chapter, each TND shall be included in an industry-wide bargaining unit of all TNDs.
C. Showing of designation of representative. A TND organization may demonstrate that it has been designated as a bargaining representative by presenting to the board cards, petitions, or other evidence, which may be in electronic form, sufficient to show the TND has authorized the TND organization to act as the worker's exclusive bargaining representative. To be valid, such card, petition, or other evidence must have been executed by the worker within one year of the date the TND organization submits the evidence to the board. Execution may be electronic.
D. Representative status.
1. Upon the request of a TND organization, the board shall make a determination that such organization has been designated as bargaining representative by at least five percent of active TNDs in the bargaining unit.
2. Once the board determines that the TND organization has been designated as the bargaining representative of at least five percent of active TNDs in the bargaining unit, the board shall (a) require each TNC to send a notice, in a form determined by the board, that the TND organization is seeking to represent TNDs for the purpose of initiating a bargaining process in order to establish terms and conditions for the industry; and (b) provide the TND organization with a complete list of names, phone numbers, mailing address, and electronic mail address for all active TNDs in the bargaining unit. The board will provide the TND organization with an updated list each quarter for the next year. For six months from the date of the board's determination that a TND organization has met the five percent threshold in a bargaining unit, no other TND organization may be certified as the exclusive bargaining representative of those workers without an election.
3. Exclusive representative status. A TND organization that provides evidence to the board that it has been designated as bargaining representative by twenty-five percent of active TNDs in the bargaining unit shall be certified as the exclusive bargaining representative of all TNDs in the bargaining unit. In the alternative, a TND organization that has been designated as the bargaining representative of at least five percent of active TNDs in the bargaining unit may petition the board to conduct an election. The election shall be conducted as expeditiously as possible, and if the TND organization receives a majority of valid votes cast it shall be certified as the exclusive bargaining representative.
4. Determination of Exclusive Representative Status in the Event of a Dispute among TND organizations.
(a) If a TND organization seeking certification as the exclusive bargaining representative provides evidence that shows that less than a majority of active TNDs have designated the TND organization as their bargaining representative, the board shall wait seven days before certifying the TND organization as exclusive bargaining representative. If, during those seven days, another TND organization provides evidence that at least 25 percent of active TNDs in the bargaining unit have designated it as their bargaining representative, or a TND provides evidence that at least 25 percent of active TNDs in the bargaining unit do not wish to be represented by any TND organization, then the board shall hold an election among all active TNDs in the bargaining unit. Such election shall be conducted as expeditiously as possible. A TND organization receiving a majority of the valid votes cast shall be certified as the exclusive bargaining representative of all TNDs in the bargaining unit. When two or more TND organizations are on the ballot and none of the choices (the TND organizations or "no worker organization") receives a majority of the valid votes cast, there shall be a run-off election between the two choices receiving the largest and second largest number of votes. A TND organization receiving a majority of the valid votes cast in the nan-off shall be certified as the exclusive bargaining representative of all TNDs in the bargaining unit, and it shall owe a duty to fairly represent all such workers. If a majority of the valid votes cast are for "no worker organization," then the board will not certify any worker organization as the exclusive bargaining representative. For purposes of this provision, the operative list of active TNDs shall be based on the most recent quarterly list provided by the TNCs in accordance with section 5(A).
(b) A TND organization certified as the exclusive bargaining representative shall have the exclusive authority to represent the TNDs in the bargaining unit, without challenge by another TND organization, for the greater of (i) one year following certification; or (ii) the length of time that a final determination rendered by the Secretary of Labor under section 6(F) is in effect, provided that such period shall not be longer than three years following the date of issuance of such final determination. During the times when an exclusive bargaining representative is subject to challenge, TNDs may file for a decertification election upon a showing that at least twenty-five percent of the active TNDs in the bargaining unit have demonstrated support for the decertification. The board will then schedule an election to determine whether the TND organization has retained its status as exclusive bargaining representative. The TND organization shall retain its status as exclusive bargaining representative if it receives a majority of valid votes cast by active TNDs in the bargaining unit.
(c) If a TND organization has been designated the exclusive bargaining representative with respect to a bargaining unit, only that TND organization shall be entitled to (i) receive from the TNCs a list of all of their TNDs, together with phone numbers, mailing addresses, and electronic mail addresses; and (ii) shall be entitled to engage in bargaining with the TNCs for recommendations to the Secretary of Labor concerning wages, benefits and terms and conditions of work of the TNDs.
(d) Dues Deduction. A TND organization that has been designated as the exclusive bargaining representative with respect to the bargaining unit shall have a right to voluntary membership dues deduction upon presentation of dues deduction authorization cards signed by individual TNDs, which may be in electronic form. A TNC shall commence making such deductions as soon as practicable, but in no case later than thirty days after receiving proof of a signed dues deduction authorization card, and such dues shall be submitted to the TND organization within thirty days of the deduction. A TNC shall accept a signed authorization to deduct dues in any format permitted by Chapter 110G of the General Laws. The right to such membership dues deduction shall remain in full force and effect until an individual revokes membership in the TND organization in writing in accordance with the terms of the signed authorization.

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 150F, § 5

Added by Acts 2024 , c. 252,§ 1, eff. (Massachusetts Initiative to Allow ride-share drivers to form labor unions, 2024 Question 3, approved at the 11/5/2024 statewide ballot. Results certified on 11/20/2024.).