3. If, upon the record before them such member, agent, or agency shall determine that an unfair work practice has been committed by a TNC or TND organization named in the complaint, they shall issue and cause to be served upon the person committing the unfair work practice an order requiring such person to cease and desist from such unfair work practice, and to take such further affirmative action as will effectuate the provisions of this chapter including, but not limited to (a) withdrawal of recognition from and refraining from bargaining collectively with any organization or association, agency or plan that is either defined in this chapter as a company union, or established, maintained or assisted by any action defined in this chapter as an unfair work practice; (b) awarding back pay or other restoration of compensation, without any reduction based on the TND's interim earnings or failure to earn interim earnings, consequential damages, and an additional amount as liquidated damages equal to two times the amount of damages awarded; (c) requiring reengagement or reestablishment of the TNC's preexisting relationship with improperly, adversely affected TNDs, with or without compensation, or maintenance of a preferential list from_which such worker shall be re-engaged or the relationship reestablished, and such order may further require such respondent to make reports from time to time showing the extent to which the order has been complied with; (d) requiring respondent to provide the complainant with a list of all TNDs, together with those workers' physical and e-mail addresses and known telephone numbers; and (e) requiring the TNC to recognize and bargain with a TND organization if the board determines that the unfair work practice interfered with the TND's right to form or join a TND organization. If the member, agent, or agency determines that an unfair work practice has not been committed, they shall issue an order dismissing the complaint. An order issued pursuant to this subsection shall become final and binding unless, within ten days after notice thereof, any party requests review by the full board. A review may be made upon a written statement of the case by the member, agent, or agency agreed to by the parties, or upon written statements furnished by the parties, or, if any party or the board requests, upon a transcript of the testimony taken at the hearing, if any, together with such other testimony as the board may require. If, upon the record before it, the board determines that an unfair practice has been committed it shall state its findings of fact and issue and cause to be served on the TNC or TND organization an order requiring such company or organization to cease and desist from such unfair work practice, and to take such further affirmative action as will effectuate the provisions of this chapter. If, upon the record before it, the board determines that an unfair work practice has not been committed, it shall state its findings of fact and shall issue an order dismissing this complaint.