Section 45-594 - Well construction standards; remedial measuresA. The director shall adopt rules establishing construction standards for new wells and replacement wells, the deepening and abandonment of existing wells and the capping of open wells.B. All well construction, replacement, deepening and abandonment operations shall comply with the rules adopted pursuant to this section. A well owner shall cap an open well according to the rules adopted pursuant to subsection A.C. If the director determines that a well is not capped in compliance with the rules adopted pursuant to subsection A, that the well is dangerous to property or public health or safety and that there is not sufficient time to issue and enforce an order relative to its capping, the director may employ remedial measures necessary to protect property or public health or safety. The remedial measures may include remaining in full charge and control of the well site until the well has been rendered safe and capping the well. This subsection does not relieve an owner or operator of a well from the legal duties, obligations and liabilities arising from such ownership or operation.