Section 45-593 - Registration of existing wells; permanent record of all wells; reporting open wellsA. On or before June 12, 1982, a person who owns an existing well which is or has been used to withdraw or monitor water shall register the well on a registration form provided by the director. The registration form shall include: 1. The registration number of any well previously required to be registered in this state before June 12, 1980.2. The legal description of the land upon which the well is located, the location of the well on the land and the name and mailing address of the owner of the land.3. The depth, diameter and type of casing of the well.4. Such legal description of the land upon which the groundwater is being used as may be required by the director to administer this chapter.5. The maximum pumping capacity of the well.6. Any other information which the director may require.B. The director shall assign a registration number to each well registered pursuant to this section and to all other wells drilled pursuant to this chapter and shall maintain a permanent record of registration numbers and all other information on new and existing wells pursuant to this chapter and previous law.C. The person to whom a well is registered shall notify the director of a change in ownership of the well, and the new owner shall furnish information as required by the director to keep the department's well registration records current and accurate.D. Within thirty days after a change of ownership of real property, the new owner shall notify the director in writing of the existence of any open well or wells on the property which the new owner has discovered. Thereafter, the owner shall report the existence of any open well on the property within ten days after the owner discovers the well.E. This article shall not be construed to legalize any well existing on June 12, 1980, the effective date of this article, which was not in accordance with prior statutory law.