Section 41-1830.01 - Powers and dutiesThe council shall assist in the coordination of the duties of the prosecuting attorneys of this state and their staffs and, in this capacity, it shall:
1. Establish rules and regulations for the government and conduct of the council, including meeting times, places and matters to be placed on the agenda of each meeting.2. Prepare manuals of procedure.3. Give assistance in the preparation of trial briefs, forms and instructions.4. Conduct research and studies that would be of interest and value to all prosecuting attorneys and their staffs.5. Provide training programs for prosecuting attorneys and other criminal justice personnel.6. Maintain liaison contact with study commissions and agencies of all branches of local, state and federal government that will be of benefit to law enforcement and the fair administration of justice in this state.7. Establish training standards for prosecuting attorneys and assist in meeting those standards by promulgating rules and procedures relating to such standards.8. File an annual report of financial receipts and expenditures with the governor, speaker of the house and president of the senate.