Section 41-1830 - Council; membership; staffA. There is established the Arizona prosecuting attorneys' advisory council which shall consist of all county attorneys, the attorney general or his designee, the dean of the law school of Arizona state university or the university of Arizona, the chief municipal or city prosecutor of each city that has a population of more than two hundred fifty thousand and one full-time municipal prosecutor from a municipality that has a population of two hundred fifty thousand or less appointed by the governor, and the chief justice of the Arizona supreme court or his designee. Meetings shall be held at least quarterly or upon call of the chairman or by the written request of five members of the council or by the governor. The council may employ an executive director and such other staff, including clerical assistants, as are necessary to fulfill the purposes of the council.B. The term of each regular member shall be three years unless a member vacates the public office which qualified him for this appointment.C. No compensation shall be paid for serving on the council.D. The council may accept contributions, grants, gifts, donations, services or other financial assistance from any individual, association, corporation or other organization having an interest in prosecution training, and from the United States of America and any of its agencies or instrumentalities, corporate or otherwise. Such monies shall be deposited in the fund created by section 41-1830.03.E. Membership on the council shall not constitute the holding of an office, and members of the council shall not be required to take and file oaths of office before serving on the council. No member of the council shall be disqualified from holding any public office or employment, nor shall he forfeit any such office or employment by reason of his appointment, notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law, ordinance or city charter.