Rule 16.07 - Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings(a)Applicability. The time standards set forth in this rule are not intended to supersede, but to supplement, statutory provisions applicable to juenile delinquency proceedings. (b)Pre-adjudicatory Motions. An order shall be entered on pre-adjudicatory motions within one week of hearing on the motion. (c)Preliminary Hearing. Unless the child is in detention or the hearing is continued for good cause to a date certain, the preliminary hearing shall be held within two (2) weeks of the filing of the petition. (d)Arraignment. If an arraignment is held, it shall be conducted within two (2) weeks of the preliminary hearing. (e)Adjudicatory Hearing. Unless an improvement period is granted or the hearing is continued for good cause to a date certain, the adjudicatory hearing shall be conducted within two (2) months of the preliminary hearing if a jury trial is demanded or within one month if a jury trial is waived. If an improvement period is granted, but revoked prior to its expiration, the adjudicatory hearing shall be conducted within one month of revocation. (f)Disposition. The dispositional order shall be entered within two (2) months of the adjudicatory hearing. If a child is in detention, the dispositional hearing shall be conducted within one month from the date the child is placed in detention. (g)Placement. If a child is in detention, an appropriate placement order shall be entered within two (2) weeks of the dispositional hearing. (h)Modification. An order shall be entered on a motion to modify within one month of the filing of the motion. (i)Reporting Standard. The reporting standard from the filing of the petition to disposition in delinquency cases shall be eight (8) months. The reporting standard from the filing of the petition to disposition in status offender cases shall be six (6) months.W.Va. Trial. Ct. R. 16.07