Wash. Sup. Ct. Admin. R. SAR 17

As amended through August 27, 2024
(1) The Justices of the Supreme Court shall appoint a reporter for the opinions of the court, who shall be removable at their pleasure. The reporter shall receive such annual salary as shall be fixed and determined by the Supreme Court.
(2) The reporter shall provide for publication of the rules of court as directed by the court.
(3) The reporter shall be a member of the Washington Court Reports Commission and shall perform any and all other duties as may be prescribed by the Supreme Court or by statute.
(4) The reporter shall provide for publication of opinions in advance sheets and in permanent volumes of the Washington Reports and the Washington Appellate Reports. The opinions shall be published chronologically, unless otherwise directed by the court. Publication of opinions shall include the title of each case, a list of the precedential holdings in the opinion, a summary of the nature of the action and prior court proceedings, and the names of counsel. Each advance sheet shall contain a table of cases and a subject index. The last advance sheet of a volume shall contain a cumulative table of cases and subject index.

Before publishing the permanent volume, the advance sheet material shall be revised by adding volume and page numbers for recent citations and dispositions of motions for reconsideration, petitions for review, and other post filing dispositions. The reporter shall also make corrections for typographical errors noted in the advance sheets, revisions of language directed by modification orders, and changes otherwise directed by the courts. Opinions withdrawn shall be deleted, and tables and indexes shall be revised accordingly. Additional material such as memorials and rolls of attorneys shall be inserted in the permanent volume as directed by the courts or in the discretion of the reporter.

Wash. Sup. Ct. Admin. R. SAR 17

Adopted effective 9/12/1969; Amended effective 1/1/1988;12/5/1995.