Wash. Sup. Ct. Admin. R. SAR 16

As amended through August 27, 2024
(a) Appointment. The Justices of the Supreme Court shall appoint a clerk of that court, who may be removed at their pleasure. The clerk shall receive such compensation by salary only as shall be fixed by the court.
(b) Deputies. The Clerk of the Supreme Court may have one or more deputies, to be appointed by the clerk in writing, to serve during the clerk's pleasure. The deputies shall have the power to perform any act or duty relating to the clerk's office that their principal has, and their principal is responsible for their conduct.
(c) Prohibited Activity. The clerk and deputies are prohibited, during their continuance in office, from acting as an attorney.
(d) Oath. Before entering upon the duties of office, the clerk and each deputy clerk shall take an oath of office, which oath shall be deposited with the Secretary of State.
(e) Hours. The clerk shall keep the clerk's office at the seat of government open at such hours as the court shall require.
(f) Powers and Duties. The Clerk of the Supreme Court is given the power and shall have such other powers as are authorized by the court or by statute.

It is the duty of the clerk-

(1) To keep the seal of the court and affix it in all cases where the clerk is required by law;
(2) To record the proceedings of the court
(3) To keep the records appertaining to the court, which may be kept electronically/digitally when authorized by the court
(4) To file all papers delivered in any action or proceeding in that court, except when the rules of court direct otherwise.
(g) The clerk shall do and perform any and all other duties as may be prescribed by the Supreme Court.

Wash. Sup. Ct. Admin. R. SAR 16

Adopted effective 9/12/1969; Amended effective 6/1/1999.