Utah Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-908

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 14-908 - Conflict of interest
(a) A Committee member who hasor has had a lawyer-client relationship or a financial relationship with aclaimant or lawyer who is the subject of a claim shall not participate in theinvestigation or adjudication of a claim involving that claimant, lawyer or licensed paralegal practitioner.
(b) A Committee member with apast or present relationship, other than as provided in paragraph (a), with a claimant, the lawyer or the licensed paralegal practitioner whose alleged conduct is the subject of a claim, shalldisclose such relationship to the Committee and, if the Committee deemsappropriate, that Committee member shall not participate in any proceedingrelating to such claim.

Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-908

Amended effective 5/1/2019.