As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 14-907 - Duties and responsibilities of the committeeThe Committee shall have thefollowing duties and responsibilities:
(a) to receive, evaluate,determine and make recommendations to the Board relative to the individualclaims;(b) to promulgate rules ofprocedure not inconsistent with these rules;(c) to provide a full report,at least annually, to the Board and to make other reports as necessary;(d) to publicize its activitiesto the public and the Bar, subject to approval of the Board ;(e) to appropriately utilizeBar staff to assist in the Committee's performance of its functions effectively and without delay;(f) to engage in studies andevaluations of programs for client protection and the prevention of dishonest conduct by lawyers and licensed paralegal practitioners; and(g) to perform all other actsnecessary or proper for the fulfillment of the purposes of the Fund and itseffective administration.Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-907
Amended effective 5/1/2019.