Rule 40 - Order of presentation(a) In all hearings where the allegations of the petition are in issue, testimony and evidence in support of the allegations shall be elicited by the prosecuting attorney or the attorney for the petitioner. All other parties shall also have the right to present evidence and testimony. If the allegations or any of them are not controverted or denied, but testimony or evidence appears necessary in the interest of justice, such testimony may be elicited by the court or any party. (b) The order of presentation of the evidence shall proceed as in other courts of record. Following the presentation of evidence, the parties shall be afforded an opportunity to address the court in summary and for the purpose of assisting the court in interpreting and construing the evidence.(c) Findings of fact may be announced at the conclusion of the trial or may be reserved for entry by the court at a later time consistent with Rule 3-104(3)(L) of the Code of Judicial Administration. Following adjudication, the court may proceed immediately to disposition or may continue the case to another date for disposition hearing.