Rule 17CV1901 - Prompt Disposition of Matters; Termination of Inactive Cases(a) The Prothonotary of Snyder and Union Counties shall prepare and forward to the Court on or before the third Monday of November each year, or on such other date as the Court by special order may direct, all civil matters in which no steps or proceedings have been taken for two (2) years or more prior thereto and shall give notice thereof to counsel of record, and to the parties for whom no appearance has been entered, as provided by Pa.R.J.A. No. 1901(c). If no action is taken or no written objection is docketed in such a matter prior to the commencement of the general call, the Prothonotary shall strike the matter from the list and enter an order as of course dismissing the matter with prejudice for failure to prosecute, under the provisions of this rule. If no good cause for continuing a matter is shown at the general call, an order shall be entered forthwith by the court for dismissal.(b) The Clerk of Courts shall prepare and forward to the Court on or before the third Monday of November each year, or on such other date as the Court by special order may direct criminal proceedings in which no steps or proceedings have been taken for two (2) years or more prior thereto and shall give notice thereof to the district attorney, any private prosecutor and the defendant, as provided by Pa.R.J.A. No. 1901(c). If no good cause for continuing a proceeding is shown at the general call, an order for dismissal shall be entered forthwith by the court. The Court may initiate proceedings to terminate the cases contacted on said list pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. No. 1901(c)(1), (2).
Amended effective 5/7/2024.