A. Any party to the proceeding may appeal from the decision or award of the arbitrators to the Court of Common Pleas, upon prepayment to the county of the fees of the members of the board. Said appeal shall be taken not later then 30 days after the date of the entry of the award of the arbitrators on the docket. Repayment to the County of the fees of the members of the board shall not be taxed as costs or be recoverable in any proceeding. A de novo appeal shall be allowed as a matter of course upon the filing of the affidavit of appeal and recognizance, and upon the aforesaid repayment of the arbitrators' fees.B. The Prothonotary shall notify the Court Administrator of all appeals from arbitration. All arbitration appeals shall immediately be scheduled by the Court Administrator for pretrial conference and trial at the earliest practical date. C. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, judgment shall be taken on the award.Amended effective 5/7/2024.