Rule 230.2 - Termination of Inactive Cases1. On or before September 1 of each year, the Prothonotary shall prepare a list of all civil matters in which there has been no activity of record for two years or more prior thereto by serving a notice of proposed dismissal of court case.2. The Prothonotary shall serve notice of proposed dismissal for each case on counsel of record, and on the parties if not represented, at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the proposed termination. The notice shall contain the date of the proposed termination and the procedure to avoid termination. a. Where it would be unduly burdensome to research the captions, parties, and mailing addresses of Cameron County divorce cases that have been inactive for two years or more, such cases shall be terminated pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 230.2, provided, however, the Cameron County Prothonotary shall serve notice of the proposed dismissal upon plaintiffs' counsel or self-represented plaintiffs, at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the proposed termination.b. The President Judge shall determine when the use of L230.2(a) is appropriate and shall issue an order of court authorizing the Cameron County Prothonotary to proceed under this rule.Elk & Camp. Cnty. Pa. 230.2