Rule 227.1 - Post -Trial Conferences1. In every case in which a motion for post-trial relief has been filed or, alternatively, at the Court's discretion, the Court Administrator shall schedule a post-trial conference to be held as soon as the business of the Court permits. The purpose of such conference shall be to determine the precise issue or issues that will be before the Court on said motion and the extent of the trial record that will need to be transcribed.a. Absent a request for transcription of a portion of the record, the Court will dispose of the motion without transcript.b. A party filing a post-trial motion who desires a transcript shall cause the transcript or portion thereof to be prepared before the motion is argued.c. In all cases where a transcript is requested, the party requesting the transcript must present a motion and order to the Court specifically identifying that portion of the record that is requested, and in the event that less than all of the trial is to be transcribed, the date and witnesses that are requested.d. The court reporter shall, upon written request of counsel, provide an estimate of the cost of the transcript. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, the court reporter shall not begin transcribing notes until a deposit is made by the requesting party in an amount equal to one-half of the estimate cost of the transcription. Upon completion of the transcript, the court reporter shall invoice the party requesting the transcript. The transcript shall not be filed nor a copy delivered to any party until the invoice is paid in full. In the discretion of the Court and upon order specially made, the transcript invoice may be taxed as costs of suit.Elk & Camp. Cnty. Pa. 227.1