Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Legal Services Program, Standards and Guidelines, V

As amended through November 29, 2024
Oversight by OSB Legal Services Program
A. Funding of Statewide Civil Legal Aid Providers

OSB LSP will continue distributing stable funding for programs providing basic civil legal assistance to low-income Oregonians. In 1997 and 2003, the increases in court fees were calculated to replace decreased funding by other sources to legal services in Oregon and to enhance the broad-based, full range of advocacy approaches and services to clients.

1. Presumptive Funding: To maintain the current statewide level of service the OSB LSP will continue to fund those legal services providers receiving filing fees at the enactment of 1997 Oregon Laws Chapter 801 Section 73 and the 2003 legislative increase in filing fee funds. These providers will receive the funds from the OSB LSP after administrative fees, up to 5.1 million dollars (2003 filing fee level adjusted for inflation increased by the 1.6-million-dollar gap to meet the legal needs of the poor assessed in 2003) with an annual cost-of-living increase. The increase in the presumptive funding level meets the 1997 and 2003 legislative intent to provide additional funding for legal services to the poor at the same time continuing the approach adopted by the Interim Civil Legal Services Task Force who developed the Standards and Guidelines in 1998.
a. Initial Funding: Providers will be required to complete the Initial Compliance Determination Application. Providers must complete the application and demonstrate compliance with these Standards and Guidelines within two months after this document becomes effective to qualify for funding under the OSB LSP beginning September 1998.

Funding will continue under presumptive funding until:

1)Provider is found not in compliance at which point Section V.F. will be implemented
2)Provider discontinues provision of services at which point Section V. F. 5. will be implemented; or
3)OSB LSP no longer receives funding under ORS 9.572 et seq.
b.Distribution of Funds: Presumptive funding will be based on the same distribution formula that was in effect at the enactment of 1997 Oregon Laws Chapter 801 Section 73. The Providers will be encouraged to utilize provisions c. and d. of this Section to modify grants and subcontract to meet unmet needs, to provide services to the under-served populations and to encourage a full range of services throughout Oregon.
c.Modification of Grants: A Provider receiving presumptive funding may request that the OSB LSP transfer funds allocated to it to another Provider receiving presumptive funding in order to maintain the existing statewide level of service or to improve the statewide availability of services. The OSB LSP will consider the request and submit its recommendation to the BOG.
d.Subcontracting of Funds: Providers may subcontract with others to provide specific services or to enhance services under the following conditions:
1)The subcontract is for no more than one year;
2)All subcontracts must be approved by the OSB when the aggregate total of the subcontracts for the year or when any one subcontract equals or exceeds $50,000 or is greater than 25% of the Provider's annualized grant;
3)The subcontract is for services within the parameters of these Standards and Guidelines;
4)The subcontract includes language insuring compliance with Sections III. C. 1, 3, 4 and III. F. of these Standards and Guidelines if the subcontract is with an organization, other than a current Provider, providing legal services to low-income people, or with a law firm or attorney;
5)The Provider must include provisions to obtain the needed information on the services performed by subcontract for inclusion in its annual report; and
6)For all subcontracts, the Provider must give the OSB LSP 30 days' notice of intent to subcontract along with a copy of the proposed subcontract.
2. Additional Funds: If there are funds over those allocated for presumptive funding, the OSB LSP may award those funds to current Providers or applicants who demonstrate the ability to provide services that address the unmet needs and emerging needs of low-income Oregonians and the needs of the uncounted and under-served, low-income populations. The OSB LSP will determine the process for application for those funds.
B. Performance Evaluation of Providers

The OSB LSP has the responsibility to ensure that funds are effectively being used to provide high-quality legal services to low-income Oregonians. The Annual Reporting Requirements and the Accountability Process are designed to provide the OSB LSP with the information necessary for the oversight required by Statute and not to be unduly burdensome on Providers.

All oversight activities shall be conducted in accordance with the American Bar Association's Standards for Monitoring and Oversight of Civil Legal Services Programs.

C. Annual Reporting Requirements
1. Annual Audit: All Providers shall annually undergo a financial audit by an independent auditor, which meets generally acceptable accounting practices. A copy of the final audit report shall be submitted to the OSB LSP.
2. Annual Report: Each Provider shall annually file with the OSB LSP a report detailing its activities in the previous year. The report will be due by the first day of October and needs to contain the following information in the requested format:
a.The numbers and types of cases and matters in which legal services were delivered;
b.A listing of the Provider's staff and Governing Body;
c.A copy of its budget;
d.A narrative description of the Provider's operations, including a description of its needs assessment, priority setting, and grievance processes, which is sufficient to demonstrate that the Provider is in compliance with these Standards and Guidelines.

A Provider may comply with this requirement by submitting copies of reports or applications to the Legal Services Corporation, the Oregon Law Foundation or other funding agencies that provide the requested information.

D. Accountability Process
1. Process: The process will focus on the effectiveness of the providers in meeting the needs of individual clients and the larger client community, and in the development and use of resources. The goals of the review are to assure compliance with OSB LSP Standards and Guidelines; assure accountability to clients, the public and funders; and to assist with provider's self-assessment and improvement.

The process has three components:

a.A periodic self-assessment report submitted by providers, including a narrative portion and a statistical/financial portion;
b.A periodic accountability report provided by the OSB LSP to the OSB Board of Governors and other stakeholders summarizing the information from the providers' self-assessment reports and other information including ongoing contacts with providers by OSB LSP staff and annual program financial audits; and
c.Ongoing evaluation activities by the OSB LSP including peer reviews, desk reviews, ongoing contacts and other evaluation activities consistent with the OSB LSP Standards and Guidelines.
E. Complaint Procedure
1..Complaints about Legal Services Providers
a. Each Provider under the OSB LSP is required to have a written internal grievance procedure to address complaints about the manner or quality of legal assistance provided in individual cases or about the denial of legal assistance in individual cases. Any such complaint received by the OSB LSP will be directed to the Providers' internal process except when there appears to be a pattern to the complaints or when the complaint falls into one of the categories listed below. Providers will furnish the OSB LSP with the resolutions to the referred complaints.
(1) Ethics complaints and malpractice claims will be referred to the appropriate department of the Bar.
(2) Complaints that Providers are acting outside the scope of the statute, ORS 9.574, not in compliance with these Standards and Guidelines, or misusing funds will be addressed by the OSB LSP's Committee or Grievance Committee through the Director of the OSB LSP.
(3) Complaints regarding the overall quality of legal assistance or the performance of the Provider will be addressed by the OSB LSP Committee or Grievance Committee through the Director of the OSB LSP.
b.The OSB LSP Committee, the Executive Director of the Bar, and the General Counsel of the Bar will be notified of the complaints against Providers. A listing of all complaints, which will include synopses and resolutions, will be kept by the OSB LSP Program Director.
c.Each complaint will be investigated (except ethics and malpractice complaints which will be referred to the appropriate body) and responded to timely. If a Provider is found not to be in compliance with these Standards and Guidelines, the procedure under Non-Compliance by Provider (F of this section) will be implemented.
2. Complaints from Applicants to the OSB LSP: Applicants who are not granted funds by the OSB LSP may make a written presentation to the Board of Governors during the OSB LSP Committee's funding recommendation.
F. Non-Compliance by Provider
1. Informal Negotiation: When it is found that a Provider is not in substantial compliance with these Standards and Guidelines, the OSB LSP Director (the Director) will negotiate and work with the Provider to assist it in coming into compliance. This period of negotiation will last no more than 60 days and no less than 15 days.

The Director will notify the OSB LSP Committee and the OSB Executive Director that the Provider is out of compliance prior to formal notice being given.

2. Formal 30 Day Notice: If the Provider continues to be out of substantial compliance, the Provider and the Provider's Board Chair will be given a formal 30 day written notice that details how it is out of compliance and the steps necessary to achieve compliance. The Director will continue to assist the Provider in resolving the problem.
3. Mediation: If after 30 days from the receipt of the formal notice, the Provider still has not demonstrated compliance, the Director will immediately send a second notice to the Provider and the Provider's Board Chair, pursuant to ORS 9.576(2). The second notice will list three names of mediators and give the Provider 15 days from receipt of the second notice to agree to one of the mediators or suggest another mediator. If the Provider and the Director cannot agree on a mediator within the 15 day period, the Director will petition the presiding judge for a judicial district to appoint a mediator.

In the mediation, the OSB LSP will be represented by the Director or by the Chair of the OSB LSP Committee. The Provider will be represented by its Executive Director or Board Chair. Within one week of the mediation, a written decision will be forwarded to the OSB LSP Committee, the OSB Executive Director, the OSB Board of Governors and the Provider's Board Chair.

4. Hearing: If the mediation fails to produce a resolution in the matter, the Director shall give the Provider and Provider's Board Chair a written notice of hearing pursuant to ORS 9.576(3). The hearing will be held no sooner than 30 days after Provider's receipt of notice of hearing.

The Provider will have the opportunity to present evidence that it has come into compliance or is making satisfactory progress towards compliance. The OSB LSP Committee will make up the hearing panel. Prior to suspension of funding, a written report will be presented to the OSB Board of Governors and OSB Executive Director within 5 days after the hearing is held which outlines the facts and decision. If after the hearing, the OSB LSP Director determines that based upon the written report, the provider is not in compliance with these Standards and Guidelines and that the provider has failed to show satisfactory progress toward achieving compliance, the OSB LSP Director shall suspend further funding of the program until such time that the provider makes a showing of compliance. ORS 9.576(3).

5. Suspension of Funding: If the report indicates that the Provider is still not in compliance and is not making satisfactory progress towards compliance based on the decision of the hearing, the Director shall suspend funding until the Provider is able to demonstrate compliance. Notice of suspension shall be served on the Provider in person or by certified mail and will be effective immediately upon service.

The OSB LSP Director, in consultation with the OSB LSP Committee, the OSB Executive Director and the OSB General Counsel, will determine if during the suspension all or part of the suspended funds should be used to contract with another Provider for legal services. If the Provider continues to provide legal services as defined under the funding agreement during the suspension, any unused funds accrued during the suspension will be paid to the Provider.

6. Termination of Services: If the Provider terminates its provision of legal services as defined under these Standards and Guidelines, funding will cease and all unexpended funds shall revert back to the OSB LSP. The OSB LSP Committee will meet to determine the reallocation of those funds to other Providers or to new applicants.

Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Legal Services Program, Standards and Guidelines, V

Adopted effective 5/29/1998; revised 2/22/2018; revised 2/17/2023.