Or. R. App. P. 7.15

As amended through November 29, 2024
(1) The Chief Justice or the Chief Judge, except as otherwise provided in ORAP 7.55, may determine any motion made before submission of a case to the court or after the date of the decision or may refer the motion to any other judge or judges of the court for decision.
(2) Any motion filed after submission of a case, but before decision, shall be decided by the court or, in the Court of Appeals, may be decided by the department to which the case has been submitted.
(3) If any motion other than a challenge to the court's jurisdiction is denied before submission of the case, the motion may not be resubmitted without leave of the court in the order on the motion.
(4) Except for a ruling on an oral motion for extension of time under ORAP 7.27, the court will rule on a motion by written order.

Or. R. App. P. 7.15