Rule 7.10 - PREPARATION, FILING, AND SERVICE OF MOTIONS(1)(a) For a motion other than a motion for extension of time, a title designating the party filing the motion and one of the motion titles listed in the "Motion Titles" section of Appendix 7.10-1. For example, the motion of a respondent on appeal to dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction should be titled "Respondent's Motion-Dismiss - Non-Appellant/Non-Petitioner" and the motion of the state for summary affirmance should be titled "Respondent's Motion-Summary Affirmance." If more than one motion is contained in a single document, the title of each motion shall be listed. If none of the motion titles listed in Appendix 7.10-1 fairly describes the motion, select the title option of "Motion-Other" and add a title that accurately describes the motion. "Motion-Other" should be used only in circumstances in which the party has carefully reviewed the motion titles listed in Appendix 7.10-1 a nd does not find a title that describes the motion; or (b)(i) For a motion for extension of time (MOET), a title designating the party filing the motion for extension of time and one of the MOET titles listed in the "Motions for Extension of Time (MOET)" section of Appendix 7.10-1. For example, the motion of an appellant for an extension of time to file the opening brief should be titled "Appellant's MOET-File Opening Brief." If more than one motion for extension of time is contained in a single document, or if a motion for extension of time is contained in a single document with another motion, the title of each MOET and/or motion shall be listed. If none of the MOET titles listed in Appendix 7.10-1 fairly describes the motion for extension of time, select the title option of "MOET-Other" and add a title that accurately describes the motion. "MOET-Other" should be used only in circumstances in which the party has carefully reviewed the MOET titles listed in Appendix 7.10-1 a nd does not find a title that describes the motion for extension of time; or (ii) For a response to a motion or motion for extension of time (MOET), an indication that the filing is a response using the title of the motion or MOET to which the filing responds. For example, the response to a respondent's motion for summary affirmance should be titled "Response to Respondent's Motion-Summary Affirmance" and the response to an appellant's motion for extension of time to file the opening brief should be titled "Response to Appellant's MOET-File Opening Brief."(2) A motion or response, excluding appendices or exhibits, longer than 20 pages shall contain an index of contents, an index of appendices or exhibits, and an index of authorities, each with page references.(3) Any party filing a motion to dismiss before the transcript has been filed shall serve a copy of the motion on the transcript coordinator and, if known to the party filing the motion to dismiss, all court reporters and transcribers who are responsible for preparing all or any part of the transcript on appeal.(4) If a party files a motion for leave to file another document and submits the other document with the motion, then: (a) if the court grants the motion, the date of filing for the other document relates back to the date of filing for the motion; or(b) if the court denies the motion, the court will strike the other document.(5) A motion or response that is confidential, filed under seal, or otherwise exempt from disclosure must include: (a) in the caption, prominently displayed, the words "Confidential" or "Sealed," as applicable; and(b) in the motion or response, a statement citing the authority by which the motion is deemed confidential, sealed, or otherwise exempt from disclosure.(6) A motion or response that includes an attachment consisting of material that is confidential, sealed, or otherwise exempt from disclosure must comply with the requirements of ORAP 8.52.Amended November 21, 2016, effective 1/1/2017; amended November 15, 2018, effective 1/1/2019; amended November 13, 2020, effective 1/1/2021.