Rule 12.023 - APPOINTMENT TO COURT-CONNECTED MEDIATOR LIST(1) A mediator seeking inclusion on one or more lists must sign and file an application provided by the court for inclusion on the list of court-connected mediators. The Presiding Judge or the Presiding Judge's designee may require substantiation of any information submitted on the application. The Presiding Judge or the Presiding Judge's designee may contact any program or individual referenced in the application or any other resource necessary to make a determination whether to approve a mediator.(2) The Presiding Judge or designee shall review each application and make a determination to approve or reject an applicant as a court-connected mediator.(3) Appointments to any list shall be at the discretion of the Presiding Judge or designee. Approved mediators shall be required to provide updated applications every two years. Inclusion on the list shall in no way establish any requirements for compensation for mediators, except as provided in SLR 12.025, nor serve as an endorsement or warranty of the mediator by the court.
(4) The Presiding Judge or designee may remove a mediator from any court-connected mediator list if the mediator is no longer qualified under the Oregon Judicial Department Court-Connected Mediator Rules, or upon the written request of the mediator or agent, if the mediator is unable to make such request.(5) Qualified court-connected mediators will be identified as such to the public, together with contact information for such mediators. The applications of qualified court-connected mediators will be available for review by the public.Multnomah Supp. L. R. 12.023
Amended effective 2/1/2024.