Rule 15-602 - Qualifications and duties of a bar examinerA.Attorneys and judges. A bar examiner shall be an attorney or judge, shall have active membership in the State Bar of New Mexico, and shall not have a conditional or limited license to practice law in the state. A bar examiner shall have an affirmative interest in legal education and requirements for admission.B.Duties. A bar examiner shall be conscientious, studious, thorough, and diligent in learning the methods, problems, and progress of legal education, in preparing bar examinations, and in seeking to improve the examination, its administration, and requirements for admission. A bar examiner shall be just and impartial in recommending admission.C.Conflicts; avoid appearances of impropriety. A bar examiner shall not have adverse interests, conflicting duties, or inconsistent obligations that will in any way interfere with the proper administration of the bar examiner's duties as a bar examiner. A bar examiner shall not participate directly or indirectly in courses for the preparation of applicants for admission. A bar examiner shall not serve as a law school faculty member, or act as a trustee or regent of a law school or of a university of which a law school is a part, or with which a law school is affiliated. A bar examiner shall act in a manner that does not create any suspicion that the examiner may be swayed by improper considerations. A bar examiner shall disclose to the chair any matter before the board about an applicant when that bar examiner's participation could suggest an appearance of impropriety, and the bar examiner may then be excused from participation as the chair deems appropriate.Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. S-1-RCR-2023-00036, effective 12/31/2023.