Rule 15-601 - Composition and tenureA.Composition. The board shall be composed of twelve bar examiners. The Supreme Court shall appoint each bar examiner.B.Term. To ensure continuity of policy and procedures, bar examiners shall serve in staggered terms of five (5) years each, with the bar examiners divided into five classes; classes I and II shall each consist of three bar examiners, and classes III, IV, and V shall each consist of two bar examiners. The term of board service for all classes shall commence on January 1st. While a bar examiner may be reappointed by the Supreme Court for an indefinite number of terms, the Supreme Court may require rotation of the bar examiners to bring new viewpoints and promote continuing interest in the board's work. A bar examiner may resign by notifying the board chair, who shall then inform the Supreme Court. If a bar examiner vacancy occurs mid-term, then the Supreme Court shall appoint a bar examiner to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term for the vacant seat.C.Officers. The board shall nominate for the Supreme Court's approval a chair and a vice-chair from the bar examiners. The board shall select a secretary-treasurer, who need not be a bar examiner. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the board and shall be responsible for communicating with the Supreme Court on behalf of the board.Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. S-1-RCR-2023-00036, effective 12/31/2023.