Rule 4.8 - Motion for Reconsideration(a) A motion for reconsideration or other post-decision relief shall be filed within ten (10) days of the date on the clerk's written notice of the order or decision. The motion shall state the particular points of law or fact that the court has overlooked or misapprehended and shall contain the arguments in support of the motion as the filing party decides to present. A hearing on the motion shall not be permitted except by order of the court. (b) No response to a motion for reconsideration or other post-decision relief shall be required unless ordered by the court, but any answer or objection must be filed within ten (10) days of the filing of the motion.(c) If a motion for reconsideration or other post-decision relief is granted, the court may revise its order or take other appropriate action without re-hearing or may schedule a further hearing. (d) The filing of a motion for reconsideration or other post-decision relief shall not stay any order of the court unless, upon specific written request, the court has ordered such a stay. N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Dist. Div. 4.8
Amended Dec. 29, 2014, eff. 7/1/2015; adopted on a permanent basis effective 2/26/2021.