(a) At the conclusion of the trial, the court may render its decision immediately. In no event shall the court issue a written decision more than thirty (30) days from the date of the trial. (b) If the court issues judgment for the plaintiff immediately after the presentation of the case during a trial at which both parties are present, the court shall inquire into the defendant's ability to pay the judgment from non-exempt assets and may require the defendant to complete a Statement of Assets and Liabilities from which the defendant's ability to pay the judgment from non-exempt assets in full or in installment payments may be determined. The court may then issue an order regarding the defendant's ability to pay the judgment, including any payment over time. The Statement of Assets and Liabilities shall be confidential as to non-parties. Access to these documents shall be pursuant to District Division Rule 1.26. The court may, in its discretion upon request of the defendant, continue the hearing to a future date to allow the defendant additional time to complete the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. In this circumstance, the plaintiff shall not be required to file a Motion for Periodic Payments. (c) If the court does not issue its decision immediately and address payment issues as set forth immediately above, and the judgment is for the plaintiff, the plaintiff will be required to file a Motion for Periodic Payments (Rule 4.10) if the plaintiff wishes to have a hearing to determine the defendant's ability to pay the judgment. (d) If the defendant confesses judgment at any time, the court shall immediately schedule a payment hearing or the plaintiff may file a Motion for Periodic Payments (Rule 4.10) upon receipt of written notice of the confession of judgment. If the defendant fails to appear at the hearing after notice is given, the court may proceed, and orders may be made in the defendant's absence or an order for arrest may be issued. In all other respects the process outlined in Rule 4.10 below shall be followed.(e) The plaintiff may be required to file a separate statement referred to as a Statement of Damages/Taxation of Costs. N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Dist. Div. 4.7
Amended Dec. 29, 2014, eff. 7/1/2015; adopted on a permanent basis effective 2/26/2021.